Community Improvement Projects

Dedicated to Boyertown Volunteers Past, Present, and Future - with special recognition of Charles & Mary-Lou Haddad
This pocket park dedicated to the
Volunteers of Boyertown is located just off of Philadelphia Avenue. It will is a gathering place by the entrance to the Colebrookdale Railroad. This space will be anchored with a restored Victorian fountain that will be dedicated to volunteers of Boyertown both past and present.

Marianne Deery
Community Gateway
Dedicated to former mayor and BaBB founder Marianne Deery
Known as the Community Walkway this area will be reimagined and transformed into a pocket-park for people to gather, perhaps listen to live music, sit, relax and serve as a gateway to downtown. This park will be dedicated to our former Mayor, Marianne Deery, who dedicated her life to serving Boyertown.